The Lone Tree (I couldn't find any rangers)

If at first you don't succeed.... Second revision of the shot, with more visual "guidance" towards the subject and reduction of distracting elements in the scene.

6 Exposure, f1.8 - f8.4, ND+CPL filter used on lighting shots

I'm a simple person; my understanding of photography consists of two halves: a love for artful lighting, and a burning hate of tripod jitter. Thus, you can imagine the reaction when I found these exposures to not only have side-to-side movement, but enough forward-back to dilate the image on a number of shots.

(Insert cliche about life, lemons, and sweet summer drinks here)

As I played around with different ways of combining the exposures, I noticed that the error was negligible towards my focal target (see below, where darker means less error), while the background was hopelessly misaligned. Deciding to mend fences with my long-standing enemy, I tried a difference-combination of my base exposures (with three log2 cascaded blurs), giving a result like below:

At first, I was rather disappointed- after all, I managed to capture the lighting in the areas I didn't want, instead of the highlights needed to separate foreground and background. Shortly thereafter, my inner math-major mentally slapped me as I remembered what the inverse of addition was, resulting in the completed shot. Turns out college is worth it, after all!
